Very common is the automation of independence — in the unit of work, it shows that it has lean staffing, quality, and standardized automatic packaging.
Do you want to know any examples? A common location for many semi-automatic wrappers is distribution centers. Do you know anything that indicates that there are semi-automatic wrappers? It includes a large number of remote packaging locations, inconsistent load types and sizes, and throughput trends – each of which can be packed in as many as 20 loads per hour.
For some applications, it requires complex WMS (warehouse management system) or MRP (material requirements planning) system integration, to scan the code and print and apply address labels to packing tray, the process must be done automatically, for example. In these cases, the more appropriate is the automatic wrapper, which is provided by a controlled environment. The opportunity for error is greatly reduced. Thus, while the automatic wrappers can run to 100 loads/hours, however, for additional functionality, it might make it the right choice for only a few load/hours.
As we all know, rapid or comprehensive system capability is not what every company needs. But reducing waste on materials is something they focus on. From this point of view, a perfect alternative is to stand alone. In addition, there are some handy workarounds that can help transform semi-automatic machines into simple automation.
Do you know what is common in the packaging process (and workspaces)? It includes:
Waiting for packing area clear next tray (exit) – discharge conveyor section allows finished loading automatically when the clear packing tape is packing completion. Pick up the pallet need to wait – discharge (exit) conveyor after load can make packaging with another load package without delay. The Connecting of packaging film, film clips processing load, for operators, so it does not need to manually connect the tray of the film.