Do you know what is special consideratio for stretching packaging?

At the distribution center, do you know what is special consideratio. for stretching packaging?

At the distribution center, we can see some of the most unique loads on the tray. This is not the same as a symmetric load, usually when we call it load. If you produce certain types of canned or bottled goods, almost all of their goods are the same. A distribution center often packs an asymmetric load, which, in general, is called a B load, where the load is placed on their tray. Generally, the grocery distribution center packs a lot of c-load.

For example, packing boxes of goods, paper towels, canned goods, grains and other non-related items is a must. In most cases, if it is a heavier item, it will enter the bottom. If they are lighter or more fragile items, they go to the top. This type of asymmetric packaging is not always appropriate for continuous stretch wrapping. If there are some considerations, they must apply to this type of work.

Understand the challenge.

As we discussed above, generally speaking, building a distribution center tray is usually in the order of choice. For most centers, they try to build their pallets in a sequence. This makes the tray stable, but that doesn’t always happen. Generally speaking, workers are selected by project, so we encourage them to move quickly. Product placement isn’t always on the floor, because helping them do that and building a stable tray is what we’re going to do.

Do you know what another challenge the distribution center is facing? When they move in the warehouse, usually, their employees need to keep the load stable. So they stretch the packaging when they go. Waiting for wrappers is something they don’t want to do, because they slow down. Typically, these types of stable packages are local. Putting the goods together is what they need to do. Thus they can achieve the purpose of packaging more effectively before the actual delivery.

For the distribution center, it needs to have enough machinery so that the bottleneck won’t appear. Waiting for the packaging is something the workers won’t do, especially the stable packaging.


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