Stretch Wrapping

Do you know what  is an alternative to stretching ?

If you want to reach your destination, what you need to do is “do”

This is the goal of the company, and when they ship the product, they put it on a tray, a slide, or a floor.

That sounds simple, right?

The goods are under great pressure during the transportation. The first pressure is extreme temperature; Second, vibration over hundreds or thousands of miles of railway and truck movements; The third pressure is loading and unloading at the warehouse and distribution center; Fourth, the product itself is heavy, light and slippery, and it is difficult to maintain a stacked shape. Fifth, a sharp or strange shape is also a stress. In fact, these pressures will have a great impact on the goods!

Under the same conditions, typically, the delivery product is assumed to be pushed off the loading dock — but we all know that this is not a safe assumption. In fact, packaging materials will be reduced by the sustainable development scorecard. In some cases, because more products are damaged, they are not available for sale. They then need to be shipped to landfills, which can have a negative impact. If too many products are damaged, the garbage will become more, which is a very bad thing.

So what are the options? It’s actually a number.

From a practical point of view, whether uniform load is feasible is the first question. Small parcel traffic increase, do you know why? Because distribution is delivered directly to consumers. In these cases, it is not necessary to pack one or two product units in the case of a home or office delivery. The great C blog has some good information about small package transportation audits and 13 best practices. This information is very useful and can help you a lot!



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