Stretch Packaging


For it, it’s impossible to go back to those people. So it’s possible for the production team to simply continue what they think is best practice. And the fact that more and more unmarketable products are entering the waste stream is also happening.

If some statistics are actually received, then for some details, we can almost certainly not analyze the underlying causes. You can give an example.

At the very beginning, was the product moving from one tray to the edge? Is it not stacking correctly? You can see there are other loads on it? In a large area of distribution center, will the ripple integrity be destroyed by high humidity? Are they sufficient to meet the low level of film and distribution requirements for new retailers for the stretched packaging model in the company specification?

In fact, these are simple examples – it’s easy for you to imagine a lot of factors. But we need to know what the point is. Even if there are reports of corruption, there are very few details that can accurately define the problem to solve the problem, which is the point. So, for the net sustainability impact of packaging change, it can actually be negative.

Do you know who has the harm?

That’s why this road gets cold. In many sustainable development discussions, we can see that this is still a taboo topic. In fact, this place is the “burial place” of sustainable development.

The number of production. The scorecard that they need is on the sales team. Through the supply chain, logistics can effectively move products. Products that are damaged or not sold belong to the “industry norm”. Generally speaking, we should solve this problem through the budget sales allowance. In other words, no department in many companies “has” the “cost” of unrestricted products, and do you know what caused the problem? This is due to the efforts to reduce packaging in the waste stream. Although the whole company can save a lot of loans, there is not a single department to support the interests of any department.

Do you know what the bottom line is?

Sustainable development and reduced sources are still high priority compared with manufacturers, retailers and consumers.



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