There are many ways to damage a product

There are many ways to damage a product between the manufacturing layer and the final destination. However, in the world of stretching packaging, the types of injuries that occur during transportation are the ones we focus on.

After all, once the stretch wrap has been removed from the tray, its sag can’t be stopped. In fact, we can see that the stretch wrap just gives it the best chance to reach its destination in “like manufacturing” conditions.

Transport effectively. Do you know what is effective transportation? What’s the effect of effective transportation?

Do you know what we mean when effective transportation is discussed? This effective transportation is to arrive at the load or product to arrive at the lowest cost. The probability of damage is reduced by the effective stretch packaging, and the probability of the product entering the “manufacturing” state is greatly improved. And it’s done in a cost-effective way.

What is containment? Do you want to know about containment?

One of the most important stretch packaging terms is containment. Because the difference between the effective packaging pallet and the damaged goods can be represented by it.

One kind of embracing pressure is deterrence. This containment force can accommodate your load. The rotation times of the stretch membrane times the package force (elastic) is the result of the containment force. It is a key technology for reducing losses and ensuring ship safety. So containment is important. And, you see, in any way, deterrence has played a big role!

What is the difference between automatic and semi-automatic? It’s important to know the difference, and it will help!

The difference between automatic packaging and semi-automatic packaging is critical for finding the right stretch packaging solution. In fact, here we have an entire article that breaks down various types of stretching wrappers. You can click here to discuss various degrees of stretching packaging automation.


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